At Clean Dezign, we specialize in selling stylish, eco-friendly and practical houseware ranging from bread boxes, salad bowls, kitchen canisters, cutting boards among many other products. Unlike many of the modern-day manufacturers, we make our products from materials...
We have some unique products at Clean Dezign. And we have some really amazing and creative customers. Some customers have taken our 3 piece kitchen canister set and used them in the bathroom for make-up. Others have used our bread box with the cutting board to store...
Why is Bamboo Environmentally Friendly? No doubt you’ve seen many photos and videos of pandas around the world happily munching on their favorite food, bamboo. They absolutely love it, but it’s not just for pandas. And it’s not just for eating. For many people, bamboo...
Tired of the usual spaghetti and meatballs? You don’t have to be vegetarian to enjoy this delicious sea food pasta dish. And of course, it does so well with our salad bowls. Enjoy! View this post on Instagram A post shared by Tasty (@buzzfeedtasty) on Sep 24,...
We are giving away our popular Clean Dezign LARGE White Salad Bowl! Giveaway ends, Tuesday, October 15th at 11:59pm. Easy to enter! See below to participate: Salad Bowl Giveaway 10/15/19